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Book Trailer Ad Campaign

Have you poured your heart and soul into writing a book, only to have it go unnoticed in the sea of published works? Are you frustrated with traditional marketing methods that just don't seem to drive interest or sales?


It's incredibly disheartening to see your literary masterpiece fade into obscurity. You start to question your talent as an author, and your dreams of seeing your book on the bestseller list start to feel unreachable. Despite your best efforts, it seems like no one is noticing your book, let alone buying it.


This doesn't have to be your narrative. Truman Press’s Book Trailer Ad Campaign is the innovative solution you're looking for. Designed specifically for authors and publishers, our service leverages the power of visual storytelling and digital marketing to make sure your book gets the visibility it deserves. We distribute your book's video trailer across multiple platforms, targeting the right audience, and guaranteeing a minimum of ten thousand to a whopping million views. Let us take over the marketing so you can get back to what you do best - creating captivating stories. Trust us to bring your book the attention and success it deserves.

$ 340,000 

Product Description


Truman Press is proud to introduce our latest innovative and effective marketing solution for authors and publishers - the Book Trailer Ad Campaign. This service is specially designed to leverage the power of visual storytelling and digital marketing to amplify your book's visibility, reach more potential readers, and ultimately increase your book sales.


Our Book Trailer Ad Campaign is a comprehensive package that offers seamless distribution of your book's existing video trailers across multiple credible platforms. The goal is simple: to reach as many potential readers as possible. Whether your audience is on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram or any other popular video-sharing platforms, our strategic marketing efforts ensure that your book's trailer gets maximum exposure.


But our campaign is more than just spreading your content. We also ensure that your video trailer reaches the right audience - the ones who are likely to be interested in your book's genre and content. By focusing our efforts on your target market, we increase the chances of converting views into actual book sales.


What sets our Book Trailer Ad Campaign apart is our commitment to delivering results. We guarantee a minimum of ten thousand views, reaching up to a staggering one million views for your video trailer. These aren’t just numbers; these are potential readers, or even better, potential buyers of your book. By promising substantial views, we aim to boost your book sales conversion significantly.


Furthermore, our expert marketing team will consistently monitor the campaign's progress. This allows us to tweak our strategies in real-time, ensuring that your video trailer garners maximum attention from the viewership.


In summary, the Book Trailer Ad Campaign by Truman Press offers an excellent opportunity for authors and publishers to tap into the digital world's potential. Our service promises widespread distribution of your book's video trailer, targeting the right audience, and guaranteeing a minimum of ten thousand to a million views. Let us handle the promotion while you focus on creating captivating stories for your readers. Trust us to get your work the attention and success it deserves.


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13 August 2023